Claudia Roth
Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
Photo: Kristian Schuller
Honorary Members
Kirsten Baumann
Chantal Behncke
H.E. Archbishop Dr. Nikola Eterović
Apostolic Nuncio
Prof. Dr. Oliver Günther
President University of Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Roland Hetzer
Heart Surgeon
Claus M. Kobold
President German Golf Association
Christian Lindner
Former Federal Minister of Finance
Prof. Dr. Margarita Mathiopoulos
Founder/CEO ASPIDE Technology Ltd.; Hon.-Professor at Potsdam University
Ambassador Jürgen Mertens
Former Chief of Protocol at the Federal Foreign Office
Dr. Frank Peter Muschiol
Building Contractor
Dr. Gerd Müller
Former Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development
Consul General Cornelia Pieper
Former Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office
Silvio Rahr
CEO of Wir für Gesundheit GmbH – Network for quality medicine
Christian Schmidt
High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Former Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture
Dr. h.c. Rudolf Seiters
Former President of the German Red Cross
Regine Sixt
Senior Executive Vice President Marketing Sixt GmbH & Co. KG
Edeltraut Töpfer
Former Member of the German Bundestag
Dr. Ursula von der Leyen
President of the European Commission
Dr. Jens Weidmann
Former President of the Deutsche Bundesbank