On June 21, 2018, the President of the Ambassadors Club, Dr.h.c. Mania Feilcke-Dierck, invited for her monthly jour fixe. This time, the excellencies from all over the world met at the Hotel Palace Berlin on Budapester Straße. Guest speaker Peter Limbourg, Director General of Deutsche Welle (DW), spoke about “Germany´s cultural identity in a digital world and the role of DW”.
Around 40 ambassadors from all over the world as well as guests from the business world accepted the invitation. The entertaining talk was followed by a lively discussion.
Peter Limbourg took the opportunity to present the new mobile German course “Nicos way”. In the form of a telenovela, users experience how protagonist Nico is experiencing challenges in his new homeland Germany. The offer is available for free as an app.
Text: Martin Hoeck
Photos: Agentur Baganz