- Edeltraut Toepfer (Vizepraesidentin Ambassadors Club), I.E. Maria Luzia Ribeiro Viotti (Botschafterin Brasilien)
bei der Ambassador's Club Veranstaltung Vortrag mit Prof. Dr. Klaus Toepfer im Hyatt Hotel Berlin.
© Agentur Baganz
- Kirsten Baumann (Ambassadors Club), S.E. Dr. Alberto Guani (Botschafter Uruguay)
bei der Ambassador's Club Veranstaltung Vortrag mit Prof. Dr. Klaus Toepfer im Hyatt Hotel Berlin.
© Agentur Baganz
- S.E. Paul King Aryene (Botschafter Ghana), I.E. Kamanga Clementine Shakembo (Botschafterin Kongo)
bei der Ambassador's Club Veranstaltung Vortrag mit Prof. Dr. Klaus Toepfer im Hyatt Hotel Berlin.
© Agentur Baganz *** Local Caption *** Nutzung, Abdruck / Veroeffentlichung honorarpflichtig und nur mit Fotovermerk
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Agentur Baganz uebernimmt keine Haftung bei einer evt. Verletzung Rechte Dritter! Weitergabe an Dritte nicht erlaubt. Es gelten unsere AGBs.
- Mania Feilcke (Praesidentin Ambassador's Club), Prof. Dr. Klaus Toepfer
bei der Ambassador's Club Veranstaltung Vortrag mit Prof. Dr. Klaus Toepfer im Hyatt Hotel Berlin.
© Agentur Baganz
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Toepfer, Surber Geruschkat (General Manager Grand Hyatt Berlin)
bei der Ambassador's Club Veranstaltung Vortrag mit Prof. Dr. Klaus Toepfer im Hyatt Hotel Berlin.
© Agentur Baganz
In the context of the event series “Lecture with…” the meeting with Prof. Dr. Klaus Töpfer, former Minister of Environment and Director of the United Nations Environment Program, took place in September.
About 30 ambassadors from all over the world talked about “Renewable Energy – A Contribution to Sustainability” with Prof. Dr. Töpfer. He did not only explain the challenges of the energy turn in Germany but he also showed its international relevance. It would be a worldwide role model if a leading industrialized country like Germany covered its energy demand from renewable sources.
On one hand, this is true for states that want to improve their climate policy. But on the other hand, for many countries without fossil energy resources it would be a great opportunity for their future if Germany developed the required technologies at reasonable prices. Töpfer said that economic growth was not possible without energy supply and therefore the German energy turn was a great chance to defend poverty on a global scale.
Mania Feilcke-Dierck, President of the Ambassadors Clubs, was glad to welcome new ambassadors such as the Ambassadors of Libanon and Brasil at this event that took place in the Grand Hyatt Hotel Berlin.
Pictures: Agentur Baganz